wildflower bouquet 10313

LEGO Wildflower Bouquet 10313

Giving and receiving flowers is always joyful, and this LEGO Icons Wildflower Bouquet (10313) puts a creative spin on a timeless gift. Why not celebrate the next special occasion by sending a loved one flowers that will never wither or need to be watered?








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About LEGO Wildflower Bouquet 10313

Giving and receiving flowers is always joyful, and this LEGO Icons Wildflower Bouquet (10313) puts a creative spin on a timeless gift. Why not celebrate the next special occasion by sending a loved one flowers that will never wither or need to be watered?

Let creativity bloom
Crafted entirely from intricate LEGO pieces, the Wildflower Bouquet features 8 species of wildflowers on adjustable stems. Budding florists and flower lovers can spend hours building and identifying the blooms inspired by cornflowers, lavender, Welsh poppies, cow parsley, leatherleaf ferns, gerbera daisies, larkspur and lupins. Once complete, these LEGO flowers can be displayed in a favorite vase to become an eye-catching piece of home decor that will plant seeds of joy in whichever room they’re placed.

Plants from plants
Part of the revolutionary LEGO Botanical Collection for adults, this set includes several elements made from a plant-based plastic produced using sustainably sourced sugarcane.

  • Cultivate creativity – Build and display a lifelike LEGO Icons Wildflower Bouquet (10313) with this immersive building project for adults. Please note, a vase is not included
  • Enjoy flower arranging – The set features 16 individual stems that can be adjusted, allowing you to tailor the height of the flowers and experiment with different arrangements
  • Let your decor bloom – Once complete, this bouquet can be displayed in your own vase as a piece of home decor
  • A gift for flower lovers –Florists and flower lovers can cultivate their own LEGO Icons Wildflower Bouquet
  • Make a bigger bouquet – This building set can be combined with the LEGO Icons Flower Bouquet (10280) to create one large bouquet or 2 different bouquets
  • Dimensions – The stems come in a variety of lengths. As a guide, the ‘larkspur’, with its straight stem, measures over 18 in. (47 cm) tall
  • Plants from plants – This set is part of the LEGO Botanical Collection, which includes elements of plant-based plastic that’s made using sustainably sourced sugarcane
  • Digital building instructions – The LEGO Builder app features a digital version of the building instructions included with this set
  • A high-quality project – LEGO building bricks meet high industry standards; they’ve been consistent, compatible and easy to connect for over 60 years
  • Safety ensured – LEGO bricks and pieces have been rigorously tested to meet stringent global safety and quality standards, so you know you’re in safe hands

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